Medicines for prostatitis are the basic and main treatment method aimed at treating any form of pathology. The mechanism of action of these drugs allows you to eliminate all elements of the developing disease, thereby contributing to a faster recovery of the man.
The main thing to remember when choosing drugs used to treat prostate adenoma or prostatitis is that these drugs must be prescribed by a qualified specialist. After all, only a doctor can determine an individual treatment for each patient, taking into account the interaction of drugs for treating prostate cancer with other pharmaceuticals that the patient takes, and also taking into accountto all kinds of adverse reactions of the body. .
Every man should know that not only prostate pathology can cause psychological and physical discomfort - improper choice of medication will also cause many problems: sexual dysfunction, many allergic reactions or impotence. Therefore, you need to take a very responsible approach not only in choosing drugs for prostatitis, but also in the treatment of such diseases in general.
The main groups of drugs treat prostate tumor and prostatitis

The method of treatment of these diseases is chosen by the urologist depending on the cause of development, duration and form of the disease (chronic or acute), as well as the general state of health of the patient.
If the patient has symptoms of acute prostatitis, the patient may be prescribed a short course of antibiotics. If the disease is in the chronic stage of development, treatment with antibacterial drugs can last 2-3 months. Completely eliminating prostate adenoma and prostatitis is quite difficult. The results of such treatment depend not only on the expertise of the specialist, but also on the patient himself, who is responsible for perfect and strict compliance with all the doctor's instructions.
It is very important in this case to use a complex method of treating the disease, which includes:
- taking antibiotics;
- use of hormonal drugs;
- use of alpha blockers;
- immunomodulatory therapy;
- taking muscle relaxants and antispasmodics;
- use physical therapy methods;
- use of herbal preparations (herbal medicine);
- maintain a healthy lifestyle.
To permanently get rid of unpleasant symptoms of prostate tumor such as burning, pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty urinating and reduced sexual function, men should take all prostatitis treatment medications prescribed by a doctor. prescription, as well as follow other necessary steps. to successfully treat this disease.
Alpha adrenergic blockers - what are these drugs and how do they work on the male body

Drugs to treat prostate cancer - alpha blockers
One of the main tasks in the treatment of adenoma and prostatitis is to establish normal functioning of the urinary system. The process of removing urine from the bladder is affected by an increase in the tone of the muscle fibers of the prostate, as well as a significant increase in the size of this organ. The action of alpha blockers is aimed at reducing the sensitivity of sympathetic nerve endings to norepinephrine and adrenaline. In men with adenoma and prostatitis, the excitability of nerve endings is much higher than normal - and this leads to spasms and tension in the smooth muscles surrounding the muscles. this official.
With the help of alpha blockers, it is possible to achieve such positive results in the treatment of this disease as: reducing spasms in the neck of the bladder, improving urine outflow, relaxing muscle fibersof the prostate, freeing the movement of urine in the prostatic canal.
Alpha blockers are prostatitis medications that have a cumulative effect. Therefore, for the patient to feel relief when using these drugs, they must be used for 2-4 weeks. These drugs are used in medicine not only to treat prostate adenoma or prostatitis, but also to reduce blood pressure. For this reason, the following adverse reactions may occur when taking alpha blockers: dizziness, lethargy, increased fatigue, migraine, weakness. Due to the relaxation of the muscle fibers of the reproductive system, men may experience disorders such as retrograde ejaculation. This condition occurs due to the reflux of semen from the vas deferens directly into the bladder.
In such a situation, doctors usually prescribe the following drugs to treat prostate adenoma. All of these drugs are classified as alpha blockers, which includes about 60-65 drugs. The specific drug in this case is chosen by the doctor depending on the physical health condition of the man. Treatment with these drugs is always quite long and sometimes patients have to take alpha blockers for life.
5-alpha reductase inhibitors – what is known about how these drugs work

Tablets for the treatment of prostate adenoma - 5-alpha reductase inhibitor
The main effect of these drugs is on the size of the prostate. The effect of using 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors affects the urine drainage process, disruptions are minimized. These drugs to treat prostatitis stimulate the synthesis of testosterone in the male body, significantly slowing down or completely stopping the growth of prostate tumors.
It should be noted that any drug in this group not only controls benign prostatic hyperplasia, but also reduces the likelihood of surgical intervention in this organ. Sometimes 5-alpha reductase inhibitors do not help the patient and the tumor continues to grow in size. In this case, the inevitable choice is surgery to remove the tumor using the TURBT method.
Herbal preparations used to treat prostate tumors
These prostatitis medications contain only natural herbal ingredients. For example, they contain an active ingredient such as saw palmetto extract, which contains phytosterols. These components of the drug block the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, thereby reducing the synthesis of inflammatory mediators in the prostate.
The effectiveness of herbal preparations has long been proven in practice. They successfully eliminate urethral obstruction, reduce the amount of residual urine in the bladder, and improve the quality of urination. These drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma are recommended for long-term use until a noticeable clinical improvement is achieved and the symptoms of the disease are eliminated. It has been proven that drugs for prostatitis are safer and have practically no side effects.
What treatments are available for prostate disease?

Injections are one of the treatment methods
- Injections– with their help, prostate activity increases significantly. The most common injection is Prostatilen. This medicine stimulates the prostate gland, strengthens the body's immune system and blood vessels.
- Rectal suppositories– they help improve metabolic processes in this organ. After using these medications, the patient must rest for 30-40 minutes. Treatment of adenoma with suppositories lasts from 5 to 10-12 days. Adverse reactions to some components of the drug may occur in the form of rash or itching.
- Drop medicine– this type of therapy involves injecting a medicinal solution directly into the area where the prostate is located. The procedure is performed by a urologist who injects medication into the urethra through a urethral opening. During one session, 4-5 ml of solution can be used. Before performing this procedure, the patient must empty the bladder cavity.
- Cathartic -In modern pharmacies, it is very difficult to find drugs for prostatitis that can be used for enemas. But the pharmaceutical industry produces many herbal preparations that are worthy of attention. This procedure is performed mainly before bedtime, so as not to overload or strain the prostate after enema. Motherwort, chamomile, sage or calendula are perfect for treatment in this case. With the help of an enema, the patient can get rid of pain and other symptoms of this disease, at least for a short time.
Prostatitis medicine in pill form
Drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma should be prescribed by the doctor after a thorough examination of the patient, which allows determining the stage of the disease and the most effective treatment method. Such drugs are often used to relieve the symptoms of this disease, and like all other drugs for prostatitis, they are divided into several groups depending on their mechanism of action. Usually, for symptoms of this pathology, men are prescribed the following drugs:
- Antimicrobial– they are prescribed in cases where the cause of the development of adenoma or prostatitis is infectious damage to the organ. The choice of drugs in this group is made by the doctor who is treating the disease.
- Anti-inflammatory– These drugs should be used to treat prostatitis in the acute stage of the disease to eliminate pain during urination.
- Antispasmodic– these drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma effectively eliminate spasms and have a good relaxing effect on the muscles of the gland, thereby activating blood circulation in this organ.